St Michael's Everyday Faith Group

Setting God's People FreeEveryday Faith








Becoming an Everyday Faith Community at St Michael’s, Boldmere

  1. The PCC approves a group of 3 or 4 to lead the culture change over a two-year process, made up of mostly “lay people”.
  2. This is communicated to the wider church community
  3. The group joins an initial Diocesan Learning Community (LC) session to begin the process.
  4. The group then uses a scoping exercise, which then is populated on to a grid, to choose 3 or 4 actions (or reinforce things that are already happening) which can be put into practice over the next twelve months.
  5. These actions will be spread through the grid, and can be taken from the suggested list, or their own suggestions.
  6. The group joins a termly Learning Community to share progress and ideas. In the second year they run the process again.
  7. When at least seven shifts in culture have been achieved, the Bishop visits to celebrate them being an Everyday Faith community.
  8. They are given a visual sign.

St Michael’s Everyday Faith Group

In addition to the Learning Community, the Parish of St Michael’s Everyday Faith Group, comprising of Hayley Bryer, Pat Tennant, Michael David, Pete Swaine and  led by Rev’d Simon Cocks. The aim is to meet regularly for two hours each time, at least once every 2 months. This would continue over the two years. The intention is to give time to make arrangements, record progress, and discuss any barriers.

As a group we have generated our own actions and implementation plan. We report back to the PCC on a regular basis as part of the feedback for the Transforming Church Action Plan (TCAP). As many of us as possible, would also attend the Diocesan Learning Community sessions.

Everyday Faith

To inspire and equip everybody in the church to be living out their faith, everywhere in everything.

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